The Philippines had long passed the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act or the Republic Act (RA) 9003, yet our country is still looming with garbage problems. If we continue to sleep on the problem, we will wake up as collectors of our garbage lives.
The Resources, Environment and Economics Center for Studies, Inc.’s (REECS) 2002 study on household’s waste management systems and attitudes and behavior found that waste management is still perceived by many as the government’s responsibility.
The findings of REECS also answer the question of why some of the municipalities in Camarines Sur are still suffering from the never-ending issue of garbage glitches. We don’t see it as our responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings and we always think that it is the sole duty of the administration and the street sweepers to clean our own litter.
But it should not be like that since our surroundings are already our second home, and because we are merely its occupants, we have to abide by the government’s protocols and policies on waste management.
In Naga City, we have seen the efforts of the City Government under the Solid Waste Management Office in cleaning drainages in the various barangays in the city. It is also notable that most of the drainages were reconstructed and widened to avoid flooding especially now that we’re almost in the rainy season.
We have to realize that these efforts of the government will not become fruitful unless everyone will cooperate and will do their part in becoming responsible for their garbage.
Fellow Bicolanos, we have to start caring now. There is a need for our broader understanding and reformation of attitudes and concern towards the protection of the environment.
The impending garbage crisis can be prevented if we can only practice waste segregation at the source, recycling, and minimizing the use of plastics.
We can still do something to slow the growth of the problem. Many of the plastics we use, particularly single-use items, could be replaced by biodegradable alternatives.
All we need is to recycle our trashy behavior and show a bit of sympathy.
This environmental month, may we all remember that we are not living in our own world- it’s a shared place where we coexist with other people and other living things, hence a simple practice of waste segregation is an utmost gesture of respect to our common home.